Thursday, June 7, 2012

Farmgirl Grammar

    I am working on my beginner farmgirl grammer award badge. I have looked up a new word each day for two weeks. I am making an effort to improve my grammar and spelling. Here are the fourteen words that I found.
1.    Unfettered:  free, unrestrained
The biographer has been given unfettered access to the family's collection of personal

2          Recidivism: a tendency to relapse into a previous condition or mode of behavior; especially : relapse into criminal behavior
The judge took the rate of recidivism into account when assigning penalties for various criminal offenses.

3          halcyon: calm, peaceful
Although Grandma spoke longingly of the halcyon days of her childhood, Jamie suspected all had not been as perfect as she recalled.
4          abstruse : difficult to comprehend
The author's new book is not as abstruse as his previous works and is likely to attract a much larger readership.
5.         lunette : something that has the shape of a crescent or half-moon
All the windows and doors were topped with lunettes of small-paned glass.

6.         satiety: the quality or state of being fed or gratified to or beyond capacity : surfeit,   fullness
Enjoying his satiety after a hearty meal of roast beef, mashed potatoes, carrots, and gravy, Bill sat down in his recliner for a brief nap.

7.         agog: full of intense interest or excitement : eager
Everyone was agog over the rumor that a famous actress would be coming to town to shoot her next movie.

8.         skulk: to move in a stealthy or furtive manner
I sometimes met with hounds in my path prowling about the woods, which would skulk out of my way, as if afraid, and stand silent amid the bushes till I had passed.

9.         boniface: the proprietor of a hotel, nightclub, or restaurant
Jones' retirement will be celebrated, but it also means that for the first time in 45 years, the city's oldest hotel is in need of a new boniface.

10.       damask: a firm lustrous fabric (as of linen, cotton, silk, or rayon) made with flat patterns in a satin weave on a plain-woven ground on jacquard looms
The old chair was upholstered in a blue silk damask which was now faded and threadbare.

11.       emote: to give expression to emotion especially in acting
The star of the show stood center stage, emoting and gesturing wildly.

12.       nebbish: a timid, meek, or ineffectual person
As a teenager, Lyle was a nebbish who could never stand up to the bullies who gave him such a hard time.

13.       kowtow: to show obsequious deference : fawn
Martin kowtows to our boss every chance he gets, complimenting him on his suits and offering favors.

14.       spiel: a voluble line of often extravagant talk : a speech delivered especially to sell or promote something
Jonathan called the wireless company with a question about his bill; he was not expecting a spiel from a representative trying to sell him on a more expensive data plan.

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