Monday, October 22, 2012
My Gift
I just wanted to share a picture of the lamp my mom bought me at a yardsale this past weekend. She only paid $2.00. I think that was a steal. I am going to hang it over my kitchen table that I am refinishing.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Farmgirl Grammar
I have been learning new words for the past two weeks along with their meaning and uses. These are the words I have learned.
2. idoneous - Appropriate; fit; suitable; As far as benefices are concerned no one could be more idoneous, fitting or suitable than Martin, since he is an Anglican clergyman.
6. pillory - To expose to public derision, ridicule, or abuse;
12. abrade - To wear off or down by scraping or rubbing; The cuff digs into Landsman's wrist, sharp enough to abrade the flesh.
1. ramose - Having many branches; The ramose or branched root is more frequent than any other.
3. birr- A whirring sound; She pursed her lips and, expertly, imitated the cricket's birr.
4. bleb - A bubble; One day, a bleb of shampoo streamed into her eye.
5. alate - Having wings; winged; ainly a few diehard physicists pointed out that wings are of no propulsive help in airless void, that alate flight is possible only where there are wind currents to lift and carry.
Since Nixon, US Presidents had tended to be pilloried for misdemeanours.
7. phthisis 1. A wasting away; Apoplexy is no longer to be feared, but phthisis is there. Social phthisis is called misery.
8. lodestar - Something that serves as a guide or on which the attention is fixed; It boasts a transportation system second to none amongst the great cities of the world, and it is, most significantly, the lodestar of Japanese culture in modern times.9. traject -To transport, transmit, or transpose; I decided to drive close to the edge and see when using the front end of my car, then swinging out the back wheels, would it cause the rocks to traject in front of his car?10. qualia - A sense-datum or feeling having a distinctive quality; He points out that our subjective experiences — our qualia — are the only thing each of us is really sure of, that all else is speculation.11. gangrel -1. A lanky, loose-jointed person; Patrick had a likeness to his father, but was still just a gangrel of a boy with long arms and a slouching posture
13. torrefy- To subject to fire or intense heat; A coffee-roaster answers for this purpose, taking care not to torrefy them too much, as the oil of the nut suffers thereby, and it becomes a dark brown or black, grows bitter, and spoils the colour of the chocolate.
14. hector - To intimidate or harass in a blustering way; to bully;
At both ends of the escalators, attendants . . . hector and berate any passenger who steps out of line.
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
The Country Generation Continues
I love it when our children continue living the country life. My daughters have always been country girls. They were active in 4-H and FFA during school. They loved showing in the county fairs also. My 22 year old Daughter, Heather and her husband, Chaz recently bought a 5 acre farm about 25 miles from me. She has always said that she would raise her children in the country like she was raised. She now has chickens for fresh eggs which the 2 grandsons love. She also has a small garden spot. Here is picture of her and my grandkids with the horses. Jayden is riding by his self and he is only 4 years old. Braxton is one year old and is riding with my daughter, Heather. The Last picture is Heather with one of their horses named Jason. My 19 year old daughter took the last picture with her phone. I thought it turned out great.

Monday, July 30, 2012
Snake In The House
Woke up the other morning to a big surprise. I heard one of my three baby ducks carrying on. They usually do this each morning because they need their water bowl find up. But not this time. As I walked up to their cage in my kitchen, I saw that two of the ducks were dead and laying in the corner was a huge black snake. My daughter and I managed to get the living duck out of the cage. We got the cage outside with out the snake going crazy. I know black snakes are good around the farm but this one was in my house and killed my baby ducks so I decided it had to go.
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Baby Ducks
Well, I went out to feed the ducks and received a pleasant surprise. Our momma Muscovey duck that had been sitting on eggs finally had babies. There were 13 of the cutest ducklings running around. It took a while of fighting off mom but we were finally able to catch all the babies. Now they are in the house under a heat lamp until they are big enough to be sold.
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Deer verses Car Update
Well I finally bought a vehicle. It's a 2005 Hyundai Sante Fe. I love it. I drives so smooth. It's a 4 wheel drive so it should be great for winter driving.
Thursday, June 7, 2012
Farmgirl Grammar
I am working on my beginner farmgirl grammer award badge. I have looked up a new word each day for two weeks. I am making an effort to improve my grammar and spelling. Here are the fourteen words that I found.
1. Unfettered: free, unrestrained
The biographer has been given unfettered access to the family's collection of personal
2 Recidivism: a tendency to relapse into a previous condition or mode of behavior; especially : relapse into criminal behavior
The judge took the rate of recidivism into account when assigning penalties for various criminal offenses.
3 halcyon: calm, peaceful
Although Grandma spoke longingly of the halcyon days of her childhood, Jamie suspected all had not been as perfect as she recalled.
4 abstruse : difficult to comprehend
The author's new book is not as abstruse as his previous works and is likely to attract a much larger readership.
5. lunette : something that has the shape of a crescent or half-moon
All the windows and doors were topped with lunettes of small-paned glass.
6. satiety: the quality or state of being fed or gratified to or beyond capacity : surfeit, fullness
Enjoying his satiety after a hearty meal of roast beef, mashed potatoes, carrots, and gravy, Bill sat down in his recliner for a brief nap.
7. agog: full of intense interest or excitement : eager
Everyone was agog over the rumor that a famous actress would be coming to town to shoot her next movie.
8. skulk: to move in a stealthy or furtive manner
I sometimes met with hounds in my path prowling about the woods, which would skulk out of my way, as if afraid, and stand silent amid the bushes till I had passed.
9. boniface: the proprietor of a hotel, nightclub, or restaurant
Jones' retirement will be celebrated, but it also means that for the first time in 45 years, the city's oldest hotel is in need of a new boniface.
10. damask: a firm lustrous fabric (as of linen, cotton, silk, or rayon) made with flat patterns in a satin weave on a plain-woven ground on jacquard looms
The old chair was upholstered in a blue silk damask which was now faded and threadbare.
11. emote: to give expression to emotion especially in acting
The star of the show stood center stage, emoting and gesturing wildly.
12. nebbish: a timid, meek, or ineffectual person
As a teenager, Lyle was a nebbish who could never stand up to the bullies who gave him such a hard time.
13. kowtow: to show obsequious deference : fawn
Martin kowtows to our boss every chance he gets, complimenting him on his suits and offering favors.
14. spiel: a voluble line of often extravagant talk : a speech delivered especially to sell or promote something
Jonathan called the wireless company with a question about his bill; he was not expecting a spiel from a representative trying to sell him on a more expensive data plan.
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Well I fought a deer and lost. Yesterday while driving to work at 5:45 a.m., I hit a deer. My beloved 2004 PT Cruiser is now a total loss. I had it towed since it couldn't be driven, then received a call about 4 hours later from the insurance guy saying it was not fixable. As you can see in the pictures, both front fenders are messed up along with the hood, grill, and bumper. It also messed up the radiator which in turn was pushed up into the engine messing it up. I was just driving 45 mph; I would have hated to see how bad it would have been if I had been going faster. On the good side, the insurance people took care of my claim in record time. Now I need to decide what kind of vehicle to look for next. I want good gas milage but it also needs to be able to be driven on country roads.
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Baby Goat
I became the proud owned of another bottle baby goat yesterday. This one is a 100% Boer boy. I think I will name him Red. He is just a day old and weighs 8.2 pounds. This puts me at 4 babies to bottle feed now. The other 3 (girl- Cinnamon, girl-Blondie, and boy-Buddy) are 50% Boer and 50% Lamancha and are 7 weeks old now.
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